Temple and a Tree (12-10-11)

Our date started at D.I. as we scoured the store looking for a "Yard Sale" gift for Jeff's sister. When we saw an ice-cream machine, we knew we found a winner. My parents make homemade ice-cream often and I think it's a fun tradition to have.

We also found our second fake Christmas tree of the season. Jeff has been wanting some greenery in our house for a while and we ended up finding a nice fake plant for $15. Before we had time to think we were already walking out of the store with our new tree and wondering if it would fit in our car. It was a little tight.
We dropped Eli off at my parents' and went to the temple. I was attacked on our way.
We got dinner and popcorn with my parents and the Goldens and then we had to hurry home to decorate our new tree.
I originally thought this tree was another perfect tree for a toddler infested home with the ornaments and lights being just out of reach.
Eli soon started pointing to the tree and calling all the ornaments balls. Then he found wrapping paper and toy bats to hit the tree with so the "balls" would come flying off. After he got sick of that, he found he just needed to shake the tree to wiggle the ornaments loose. Our tree didn't stay decorated for very long.
We spent the evening watching our favorite shows together -- Parks and Rec, The Office, and Modern Family.
Sarah High - Finding the ice-cream machine at D.I.
Sarah Low - Driving around with leaves in my face for half the day.

Jeff High - Finding the tree.
Jeff Low - (We can't remember. I'm a little behind on my documenting.)


  1. Cute stand-in Christmas tree while it lasted. Love the scary, red eyes on Jeff while he's decorating. He looks a little possessed...I'm sure with the Christmas spirit.

  2. Jeff could be a Zombie... that would explain a lot things about his childhood behavior!
