Jump Into Love (6-30-12)

Whenever I get dater's block, I tend to find myself looking to my childhood to get inspired. I love having an excuse to be a kid again, and pulling ideas from childhood games is a sure way to get a playful, super fun date.

I was keeping my great inspiration source from Jeff because I didn't want him stealing all my date ideas, but it seems as though he's tapped into my resource because we took our date to the trampoline this week!

This is where I will insert the cheesy Bachelor-esque line, "Jump Into Love!" And this is where I will spare you the endless analogies of how jumping on a trampoline is symbolic of our relationship.

After going on a "bee hunt" to kill all the wasp nests quickly overtaking our home, we had a jumping photo shoot. Jeff was super great at stealing my bounce right before every picture. And my camera was super great at making our faces blurry. Even with the stolen bounces and blurry faces, this was so so so much fun.

Then we played "add-on." If you're unfamiliar, one person does a trick and then the next person has to do the trick the other person did and then do their own trick. You keep doing this until you can't remember the run of tricks anymore. Or in our case, when you get too tired and sweaty.

By this time the sun had set and a cool breeze blew in. It was the perfect set-up for a "tramp talk." In junior high, my best friend and I were constantly on the trampoline having "tramp talks." The trampoline was the best place to talk because it was out of earshot of our parents, so they didn't know which boys we were talking about out on the tramp.

So last night I laid on the tramp chatting with my husband under the stars...still about boys...but about our sweet little boys. The best part about a tramp talk with your husband is that the trampoline has a way of sliding both of you to the center, so you can't help but cuddle. Bliss.

There you have it, folks. Jumping on a trampoline is kind of like love. It has its ups and downs, but in the end you always have each other. Oh crud. There's that cheesy love analogy.

Jeff High - Taking pictures - specifically "levitation pose."
Jeff Low - Bees flying around our house.

Sarah High - One of my tricks was "pencil" which was just me falling on my back while saying pencil. Jeff made us say, "PENCIL!" every time we did the trick. It made me giggle every time.
Sarah Low - That I proved to be very uncoordinated while playing add-on. If Jeff ever had any doubts, he can now be confident I was not a cheerleader in high school. Or ever.



  1. Great action photos. Funny that you are still talking about boys while tramping. Another cute and funny post. Love your style of writing!

  2. Looks like you had a great time. Your pictures are fun. I wish you had a pin button so I could pin all these great ideas!!!:)

  3. I love the tramp pictures. Looks like a career as a photographer is in Eli's future...or Carson's?!?


  4. Your house looks so lovely I need to come and see it it looks just so perfect!
