Drawn to You (7-20-12)

Nothing says "It's Friday!" quite like a hot, homemade pizza to kick off date night. We've been trying to perfect the art of pizza in our house. This beauty was by far our best yet.
With the kids in bed, we took our date to the sidewalk to do some chalk art and discover we are not artists.
We played a game I used to play with my siblings in church. I couldn't remember the exact rules so this is how we played: You start with a scribble. Then you have to take turns turning the scribble into a picture. When you pick up your writing utensil your turn is over. If you can't add to the picture you lose.
Once we started playing, it became obvious that there were some loopholes in the rules but we forged ahead anyway. I started trying to turn our scribble into a Teepee...
While Jeff was turning it into an airplane.
I liked his idea better so I went along with his picture.
Jeff has more of an artistic eye than I do.
I discovered my lack of artistry when I attempted to draw a bird. You know. That thing right in front of the pilot. Yes. I'm blushing at the thought of anyone seeing my lack of chalk talent.
After remembering why I hated all my art classes in high school, we did our second favorite summer activity -- laying on the trampoline and chatting and getting eaten alive by mosquitos. That last part isn't our favorite, but a few bug bites are worth a good starlit discussion.
What you may not know is that for every picture you see on my blog, there are about 20 pictures that look almost exactly the same that didn't quite make the cut. Sometimes my excessive picture taking drives Jeff a little crazy which results in a few of these:
It was a short date since we were both tired from a day of potty training Eli so we chose to forego high lows. Our quick date made me realize it's still important to make time for each other even if we're feeling tired or busy. Just one hour of time away from distractions to spend with each other can make all the difference in reconnecting each week so I'm grateful Jeff's willing to make date night a priority even on the weeks that are a bit crazy.

I guess that's why I'm drawn to him. That and the fact that he's so photogenic of course.


  1. I was excited to see you posted a date night post. Good for you making time despite your busy life. I saw with my own eyes yesterday that you are making huge strides with Eli and potty training. It's worth the exhaustion!! I'm sad there are no high lows as you know I love them. Maybe next time...
