Mini Vacation Date (6-24-11)

We took a visit down to Cedar City last week and rather than postpone our date, we figured we'd take advantage of Eli's willing grandparents for our first Eli-less date! We drove down to St. George with a sleeping Eli and then we passed him off to Jeff's parents as they were leaving the temple and we were going in.
I can't get enough of the St. George temple. It's so pretty.

After we went to the temple, we did a quick, discreet change of clothes in the car and we were off to AMAZE-ING (glow-in-the-dark) GOLF. Side story -- The day before I found out I was pregnant we were in St. George and I told Jeff I wanted to go mini golfing. He said he didn't want to go and I cried. After I took the pregnancy test the next day I realized why my mini golf emotions were so high.

Jeff and I never ended up going mini golfing that day. I took advantage of my date week to finally force him to go mini golfing with me since we have a mutual agreement that we have to participate in the planned date without crabbing. We both ended up having way too much fun and I dare say Jeff might be the one dragging me back there one day.

My, my. Look who won:
We were on our way home, talking about what a fun date we had as we passed Brigham Young's winter home. Jeff half heartedly said, "Wanna go in?" And I thought, "Why not? We have a free babysitter for the evening!" In no time Jeff was attempting to parallel park and we were waiting in line for the next tour.
I loved this part of the date because it kind of weirdly felt like we were at Disney Land again. It was fun to relax, learn something new and feel like we were on a little vacation.

Jeff's High: The spontaneous decision to visit the Brigham Young Home.
Jeff's Low: Losing mini golf.

Sarah's High: Winning mini golf. Obviously.
Sarah's Low: When Jeff told me he was going to get a summer wife in St. George after I told him I would never live in St. George in the summer. He's so charming sometimes.


  1. Love your low Sarah, too funny. Jacob and I might have to challenge you two to a game of mini golf, you guys are both going down.

  2. looks like you had fun!!

  3. Your last sentence made me laugh out loud. Funny stuff! I was a little surprised to see you had posted a date night this past weekend. Way to keep up your weekly goal!
