Baby Date (3-23-12)

Okay, okay. I know many a website that claims you shouldn't talk about your children while on a date with your spouse. It's a time to escape the everyday yada, yada. So for everyone who thinks even talk of the children should be forbidden from date night, you'll probably be appalled by my date this week.

Because when Jeff got home from work on Friday I said, "Our date night is going to be Operation: Get Ready for Baby!" To which Jeff said, "Oh great. So basically you have a list of things you want me to do and you're calling that our date?"

He knows me too well. Although, I did remove installing the car seat and assembling the stroller from the night's activities to try to keep it more date-ish and less to-do-ish. My idea evolved to going to Wal-Mart to pick up snacks for the hospital and then come home to look through family names and try to finalize a name for baby. Fun, right? I thought you'd agree.
This is our hospital survival kit. The Goldfish and Fruit Snacks are Eli's special treats for the week of new baby, the bottles are obviously for #2 (Jeff refuses to use any other kind of bottle), and we plan to survive off Gatorade and candy.

When I was pregnant with Eli I bought a Gatorade as a part of my hospital bag. I don't buy Gatorade often, so it's a real treat when I finally get my hands on some. I resisted the many "cravings" I had for it leading up to Eli's birth, and then after I had Eli it was such a treat to feel like I finally deserved my Gatorade.

I'm hoping that bottle of Gatorade gets me through all the pushing this time around, too. If not the Gatorade, then the Sour Watermelons should help.
Then we looked through Jeff's family tree to help us decide on a name. We think we have one. But we've been very wishy-washy so things could change.
Here I am at almost 37 weeks pregnant.
I feel much more prepared for the baby now that we have a tentative name and our hospital bags nearly ready to go. Now I just need to figure out a way to get Jeff to get the car seat installed...


  1. You're pulling off "nine months pregnant" a whole lot better than I did.

    Not fair.

    1. Jeff is such a good sport. I don't see any survival food for me in your bunch of when-the-baby-comes treats. Oh, I'm sure I'll get delicious homemade treats that you will be making and stashing in your freezer as you're just sitting around doing nothing but waiting for baby #2 to make his appearance.

  2. hey, you have to get things done sometime! May as well make it fun and do it while husband is happy and willing to!
    I love your shirt! Your look great in yellow.

  3. Have I told you that I love (LOVE!) your tentative name?

  4. Sounds like a fun date. Can't wait to meet baby number 2!
