Bountiful Excursion (3-10-12)

We have a few recurring themes going on here. But hey, we do what we love when we go on dates together and boy do we love Chuck-A-Rama!

We went to the temple and then my parents took us to Jeff's favorite restaurant for his belated birthday dinner. The whole way down to Bountiful Jeff was telling me random bits of information he's learned about Chuck-A-Rama in the last few months. He knows the weekly menu, how to pay lunch price and get the dinner menu, and all sorts of insider information. It was adorable.

And I wonder why my face looks rounder and rounder with every picture that's taken of me...
After Chuck-A-Rama we went to our other favorite place -- Costco! Then we went home and I fell asleep at roughly 9:00. If there's two things a pregnant lady needs, it's food and sleep!

Jeff High - Going to the temple.
Jeff Low - Chuck-A-Rama and Costco were super crowded and crazy.

Sarah High - Listening to Jeff declare his love for Chuck-A-Rama on the way to Bountiful.
Sarah Low - Being too tired to function after 8:30.

1 comment:

  1. Since we are both dressed up, it looks like we went to the temple with you. I'm pleased to report Eli was an absolute angel sleeping the whole time you two were at the temple.

    So glad we could help you out with one of your pregnant lady needs. Even an unpregnant lady needs food, so thanks for consenting to dine with us that evening.

    As always, I love your highs and lows of your dating posts.

    And for some reason I missed your second doughnut post. Must have been posted when I was sitting through 14 basketball games in Vegas. I love all your ideas of things to do together on date night that usually don't involve getting a babysitter. You guys are a cute couple!
