Bryan's Wedding (7-30-2011)

Jeff's brother got married last weekend. We figured it was a good excuse to round up a babysitter and call it a date! (Thanks again, Natalie!)
The ceremony was perfect and the two made a darling newlywed couple.

Jeff isn't a big fan of my constant picture taking. But when we were all bored after the temple waiting for Celeste's family pictures to be done, we had a good time posing for my camera. You're welcome, Jeff.
Reverse Romeo and Juliet.
Romantic picture.
That dip was near catastrophic. But they pulled it off in the end.
Photo bomb.
Then we went to the luncheon. Sat back. Relaxed. Ate a full meal uninterrupted by a squirmy little Eli. It was blissful.
Jeff and Ben snuck out during the luncheon to turn Bryan and Celeste's car into a cube something or another. It's from Star Trek. Which I am unfamiliar with. But Bryan enjoyed the concoction. Here's Jeff looking guilty just after he soaped up Bryan's car.

Sarah High: As we were leaving in the morning, Jeff's mom said, "Do you guys have your recommends?" Jeff rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, mom." Like it was the dumbest question ever.

We dropped off Eli and just as we were about to get on the freeway Jeff realized his wallet wasn't where he thought it was. We raced back to Jeff's parents house and ran in in a wild frenzy to find his wallet. After a quick search through the house, the wallet was still missing.

I ran out to the car to double check it and as I did, I began a little prayer. Halfway through the prayer, I reached my hand in a little nook of the car and I found the wallet! I ran towards the house and saw Jeff running towards me. At the same time we both screamed with our hands in the air, "THE CAR!!!"

Jeff said he had said a prayer too and just as he finished he remembered he put it in the car. We were grateful for answered prayers and that we were able to make it to the wedding on time.

Sarah low: I forgot my chapstick. If you know me, you know that's a serious issue.

Jeff High: Seeing his little brother get married and taking funny pictures after the ceremony.

Jeff Low: How hot it was in St. George especially when he was decorating the car.


  1. These were the details I missed hearing about! :) Glad all went well at the wedding..

  2. Sarah, your hair fascinator looks so pretty with your outfit. I love your new black dress. You and Jeff make a beautiful couple. Looks like you had fun at the wedding and with your camera. So glad Jeff's recommend was found. My high of this post was your low. I do know you very well and I know that you were having issues without your chapstick. Funny stuff!!
