Murder Mystery (7-22-11)

Where can you find me and Jeff between the hours of 7:30 - 10:00 every night? In our basement enjoying a constant marathon of our new favorite TV show Monk (thanks to Netflix). Thus we have the Monk-inspired date.
There were suspects with stereotypical bad guy masks.
There was a reliable witness named Alfonso, along with the handy Captain eager to provide Jeff with sporadic facts about the case.
There was a carnival and cherry pies good enough to kill for. Nevermind that the second place pie is bigger than the first place pie. I was on a time crunch.
Here's Jeff ready to do some interrogating and investigating.
Hmm...Hey suspect. I thought you said you hadn't driven your truck all summer. So why doesn't the dead grass match up to the truck? We're on to you.
Here's my high of the night -- Jeff looked at my truck art work and said, "Okay, we've got a truck. And it looks like a bunch of chickens have been walking around in his yard."

In case you, too think that looks like a chicken footprint, it's my attempt to signify grass.
Man, solving a murder may be hard, but putting a murder together turned out to be quite the feat.
An entry of my mom's journal reads, "Sarah prepared 3 hours today for a 2-minute talk in primary." I guess I've always been this way. This date probably took me 5 hours to prepare...and it took Jeff a whopping 15 or 20 minutes to solve. Oh well. We didn't mind ending the night with a few episodes of Monk.

Better luck next time, Suspect.
Case solved. Good work, detective.
Jeff high - Solving the case.
Jeff low - I fell asleep early. I'm sensing a recurring theme. But a girl's gotta have her beauty rest.

Sarah high - Bird feet.
Sarah low - The date was much shorter than anticipated.

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